受韦学勇教授、前田龙太郎教授邀请,日本庆应义塾大学三木则尚教授(NORIHISA MIKI)来校交流访问并作报告,欢迎各位老师同学参加!
How can MEMS technologies impact your collaborators?
MEMS technologies, or micro/nano fabrication technologies enable new functional devices and innovative applications in a wide variety of fields, which requires good collaborators. In this talk, I present a couple of collaborative projects with medical doctors, neuroscientists, and media artists. I will also introduce Keio University, Faculty of Science and Technology.
Norihisa Miki received Ph.D. in mechano-informatics from University of Tokyo in 2001. He developed a world-smallest drone using MEMS technology during his Ph.D. Then, he worked at MIT microengine project as a posdoct (2001-2003), later as a research engineer (2003-2004). He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Keio University in 2004 as an assistant professor and became a full professor in 2017. His research interests started with development of MEMS-based biomedical and human interface devices. Currently, he also explores the fields of medical engineering, neuroscience, and media arts using his innovative devices. He is a department head and a chair of international affairs at Faculty of Science and Technology. He is heavily involved in entrepreneurship education. He is a Director of Keio Ice Skating Club.